Please use this page to contact BrandTech Design. Our phones are always available during office hours. Or feel free to send us a message via our secure contact form.
Contact BrandTech Design
Unit 1 Warren Avenue Industrial Estate
Warren Avenue
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 17:00
Weekends: Closed
Send us a secure message
BrandTech Design are located in the Milton area of Portsmouth, Hampshire. We are happy to serve customers both locally, and nationally. We provide everyone with the same high quality of service; whether they are from a local shop or a national chain.
BrandTech Design have experience with every area of sign making. Whether you require a construction board or a full shop facia, we have you covered. We work with cut vinyl and digital printing media, as well as a range of substrates including foam board, flex face, and aluminium composites. Don’t forget, we can help with internal work too, from simple waypoint signs to bespoke counters, displays, or storage solutions. To see more about what we can offer you, please view our main page, case studies, or gallery.